Kick Start Your 2024

Here are 15 tiny habits that will completely transform your life in 6 months [credit IG@Intrepreneurs]

  1. Make your bed: Build momentum and set the tone for the day. Your future self will thank you.

  2. Take an ‘internal shower’: Drink a full glass of water right away after waking up. 60% of your body is water. Replenish it.

  3. Jump rope for 2 mins: The physical activity will activate your mind and body

  4. Step outside: Jump rope outdoors? Get 2-for-1. A healthy tide of cortisol is released when you step outside at daybreak, allowing you to become more alert. You’ll also reset your circadian rhythm.

  5. Review your goals: Remind yourself of who you want to be. 14% of people who have goals are 10x more successful than those without goals. The 3% with written goals are 3x more successful than the 14%.

  6. Read a passage: Philosophy, religion, self help, etc.

  7. Water a plant: Learn to take care of something other than yourself (if you don’t already). Pets are great; plants are smaller scale All great legacies start small

  8. Take a 1-2 min cold shower: Take a regular shower, turn the water to cold for the last 1-2 mins. You’ll feel on.

  9. Send a good morning text: Make someone’s day.

  10. Hide your phone: The best productivity app on your phone is called airplane mode (use it).

  11. Score your day (like a movie) with music: Music is a powerful mood enhancer. Almost everything is more enjoyable with music, right? So enjoy it.

  12. Drink water before meals: Drink a glass of water before your meals. You’ll feel fuller (and prevent overeating)

  13. Write down tomorrow’s 3:3:3 plan: Remind yourself who you want to be.

    1. 3 hours on your most important project

    2. 3 shorter tasks

    3. 3 maintenance activities

    Defining and outlining a productive day is crucial.

  14. End your workday with a shutdown ritual: Create a short shutdown ritual. Close your laptop, plug in the charger, spend 2 mins tidying your desk, then say “Shutdown”.

  15. Journal 1 beautiful life moment every day: Delicious tacos, presentation your crushed, a moment of inner peace, etc. Write it down. Gratitude programs a mindset of abundance.